UK universities provide internationally recognized qualifications of the highest standard. They also offer more opportunities than ever before: there are currently over 55,000 postgraduate taught courses and research opportunities to choose from on the Prospects database alone.
I'm an MSc finance and investment banking student at the University of Hertfordshire, United kingdom. In the space of less than three weeks of providing all required documents (transcript, BSc certificate etc), Avail was able to secure me conditional admissions at three different universities in the UK. After putting some factors into consideration, I was able to settle for the University of Hertfordshire.
Overall, AICL was a tremendous contributor to the success of my application and obtaining a student visa. In AICL, work is successfully completed either through individual effort or through team work. The Staff work with the highest level of honesty and integrity. The quality of the work in AICL consistently exceeds expectations. I highly recommend AICL.
Throughout the processing of my admission till the completion Avail international proved to be the most supportive all the way. Even with the visa processing and monitoring to ensure that my dream to study in the UK was lived. Without Avail consult my studying in the UK would have remained a dream, thank God I'm living the dream now. Thank you Avail consult, thank you madam Bola. Warm regards.
AT Avail consult they focus the goal and not the reward, until result is achieved they keep going. After visiting several education counsellors, I found AICL,there & then everything worked out. My experience with Avail was wonderful. I would recommend anyone to them at anytime.
Delivering academic excellence and a high quality and standard of UK qualifications is guaranteed through the work of various official bodies, such as the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). Research standards are examined by the Research Assessment Exercise, which publishes its findings every five years.
The results of all these assessments are freely available on the internet. Information on quality assurance and assessments is also available from the Higher Education Funding Councils.
In 2008/9 there were 139,095 students from outside the EEA studying postgraduate courses at UK institutions. The quality of UK degrees is one reason why so many people come to the UK to study.
Another is value for money. Unlike equivalent programmes in the United States or Australia, most UK Masters programmes can be completed in one year.
The UK education system is flexible, so you can study in a way that suits your lifestyle and career aspirations. When you study in the UK you meet people from different nationalities, sharing their backgrounds and discovering new perspectives.
The UK institutions consistently rank among the best in the world and qualifications are internationally valued and recognised.The UK undertakes 5 per cent of the world’s scientific research and produces 14 per cent of the world’s most frequently cited papers. UK institutions offer flexibility of choice and enable you to blend academic and vocational courses of your choice.
The teaching and study methodology used in the UK gives you the freedom to be creative and develop skills sets and confidence. As a student you get the opportunity to be taught by the world’s leading academics and experts; you also benefit from their constant academic support. UK degrees can be tailored to your interests and often include specialised modules.
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